Spring is in full swing and that means our friends the bees are in peak activity. Heres what you need to know about bee stings in dogs.
Bee stings in dogs can result in 3 types of responses:
1) small, local = small area of redness around the sting;
2) large local = quite red, hot, itchy, quite large around the sting;
3) anaphylaxis = a severe, potentially fatal, acute whole-body allergic reaction (often within 60 seconds to 15 minutes of exposure). It is a true medical emergency.
Bee stings in dogs usually escalate with subsequent stings and some dogs that are mildly allergic with the first few stings can later become anaphylactic (medical emergency). Once your dog has had an anaphylactic response they can undergo desensitization injections (as with any allergy) which will make them much less likely to have another anaphylactic response, (but never to zero – no one, even dogs who haven’t reacted before can be considered zero risk to have an anaphylactic reaction).
If your dog has a known anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting or a pattern of escalating reaction to bee sting then Veterinary immunologists recommend have an Epi-pen on hand. Your local veterinarian can teach you how to deliver the injection in an emergency. For more practical ideas on keeping your dog safe from bee stings read on.
What to do for bee stings in dogs?

- Know the fastest route to your local veterinary emergency centre (have the phone number on your phone);
- Be organised and have an epi-pen with you at home and on walks;
- Learn basic rescue breathing;
- As the sun sets each day keep your backyard lights off and light a few candles. Citronella candles do not repel bees but the smoke from the candle will keep the bees away;
- Bees are not attracted to solid white. Dogs with a severe allergy can wear light-weight mesh/cotton white jumpsuits;
- Try hanging some paper bags from the pergola or trees in the backyards. Bees will avoid the area if they think there is an enemy hive in the area;
- Spend time outside when the bees are least active: this includes early morning and late evening when the temperatures are lower.
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