Hot Dog – Stay cool, Kalm and collected


hot dog

Ahhhh, we all love summer, however, it can be a time of year where it can be difficult to keep our 4 legged friends physically and mentally content, especially when it doesn’t cool down until 10pm! Don’t miss our hot dog tips to keep your furry friend happy and content.

Physical exercise

Although it is still important to exercise your dog during the warmer months, exercise should be adjusted to suit the weather.


Mental exercise 

I can’t stress the importance of this one enough. Think about how you feel if you have had a mentally exhausting day; all you want to do is sleep! The same applies to our dogs. There are many days and nights during summer where it is simply too hot to take your dog for a walk. Instead consider the following options:

Stay healthy!


For Further Reading:

Dogs and mosi’s

Feeding dogs


What issues are you
having with your pet?